- 021 - 4375616
- info@carrigalineeducatetogether.ie
To promote a philosophy of education in which no child is considered an outsider; which promotes the fullest development of ability irrespective of gender, class or stereotype; and which encapsulates this ethos in a democratic partnership uniquely combining the involvement of parents with the professional role of teachers.
Ethical Education is a key component of the Educate Together model; it’s a curriculum that is living in Ireland’s equality-based schools and it seeks to offer students the opportunity to meaningfully and critically reflect upon the world around them.
At primary level, our Learn Together Ethical Education Curriculum is taught alongside the National Curriculum.
Learn Together includes learning about morality and spirituality; equality and justice; belief systems and an ethical approach to the environment. Learn Together replaces religious instruction and teaches students about different belief systems as well as atheism, agnosticism and humanism, without promoting any one worldview over another.
Enrolment opens on the 1st of October 2023 for Junior Infants for the 2024/2025 school year.
Please read or download our Admissions Notice here.
Welcome to our school website,
Carrigaline Educate Together National School has been a part of the Carrigaline community since September 2008. Since this time we have established ourselves as a school where the children are at the heart of everything we do.
We truly believe that every child who comes to our school is educated holistically and academically. In order to achieve this, we place relationships at the centre of our work in the school. We work together as a community of children, staff and parents to achieve a school that encourages active and discovery based learning and believes that no child is an outsider.
We work together to create a school setting where the children feel happy, safe, secure, confident and respected. Student voices are valued in the school and contribute to the fun environment and their learning.
We want every child to leave knowing that they are loved, cherished and belong.
Rory Ward
School Principal